Faith, Feminism and the Vocation of Marriage ft. Ana Glaze

Is marriage a feminist vocation? Today’s guest certainly thinks so! We’re talking to Ana Glaze, one half of That Catholic Couple on YouTube. She and her husband share daily vlogs for their fans (hey doughnut squad!) about life as a fun, faithful Catholic couple. Ana beautifully shares why she and her husband started vlogging, how to keep marriage a vocation instead of an idol, how she balances being a strong wife with that awkward Bible verse about listening to your husband, how her own fractured relationship with her father has affected her marriage, and the importance of weekly family meetings. Ana is hilarious, smart, and super fun to talk to, so I’m honored to share our conversation today!

Today's episode is sponsored by Prep Dish. For a free 2-week trial, head to and enter "TCF" at checkout! Prep Dish is the best meal planning and recipe service on the market, making Catholic feminists lives ten times easier. We don't always have time or meal planning, y'all--we're out here trying to raise disciples, fight the secular patriarchy, and save the world. Can I get an Amen?! 

5 Tips On Being a Faithful, Feminist Wife

Want some suggestions from Ana and Claire on how to be the best wife possible?! We whipped up a FREE guide just for you. We're far from experts, but we believe a strong community of women should uphold and uplift one another in times when you want to scream at your husband instead of love him.

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Topics discussed:

  • The time Ana and I shared a hotel room for three days and barely spoke, ha!
  • How Ana met her husband
  • The importance of being honest about the difficulties within the vocation of marriage 
  • What best practices they put to work in their marriage to grow closer to one another and to Jesus
  • How to handle balancing male leadership with being a strong wife 
  • How her own broken relationship with her father has affected her marriage 
  • St Joseph's impact on her marriage 

We mentioned: 

Find That Catholic Couple: 

Cultivating a Global Mindset ft. Beth Awalt

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." - St. Teresa of Calcutta.

This quote completely sums up my view of social justice. Today I'm speaking with Beth Awalt, the co-founder of The Starfish Foundation. After going on a mission trip to Ecuador, Beth was so moved that she began a non-profit to empower and equip schoolchildren there. Beth serves as a shining example of learning about an issue and taking concrete action steps to help solve it. Beth's story of beginning her non-profit and all of the struggles she encountered is fascinating and I'm honored to share it with you today! 

Topics discussed:

  • Why Beth began The Starfish Foundation
  • What the Foundation does to help children in Ecuador
  • How you can become a part of this mission
  • The struggles of starting a non-profit 
  • Why it's important to volunteer, no matter where you are in the world
  • The importance of "people-first" vocabulary 
  • How small changes can make a big impact when it comes to building bridges between cultures
  • What God taught Beth through this experience 

Find The Starfish Foundation:


Living Out Your Faith and Feminism In An Office Setting ft. Terri Meyerhofer

Of all of the episode requests, this has been the MOST requested: "Can you have someone on that talks about living out your faith in a normal office setting? We aren't all speakers, SAHMs, or bloggers." 

I got you, girl! I'm so excited to bring you a conversation with Terri Meyerhofer. Terri is a dear friend--we lived together senior year of college--and she's also a civil engineer. That's right, girl BUILDS BRIDGES. She's pretty much amazing. Terri and I dive deep into what its like to work in the secular world, how she keeps her faith afloat when she works 50-60 hours a week, and how to handle sexism at work. She has some great insight and it was a treat to speak with her. Enjoy!

Topics discussed:

  • Terri's journey to RCIA and baptism 
  • Why she decided to become a civil engineer
  • How she confronts sexism in her field
  • Why engineering tends to be male-dominated
  • The difficulties of working as a woman surrounded by a ton of men
  • How she lives out her faith within the constrictions of a 9-5
  • How she learned to find her worth in other places than work 

How Can I Talk About Abortion In a Truthful, Loving Way? ft. Sr. Virginia Joy

Today on the podcast, we have our first ever woman religious! I knew when I kicked off The Catholic Feminist that I wanted to have sisters on as well as laypeople. Sisters are OUR sisters, and they're a very important part of Catholic womanhood. So it was an honor to speak with Sister Virginia Joy about the Sisters of Life and how to effectively communicate about abortion. 

Topics discussed:

  • Who the Sisters of Life are and what they do
  • The long-term effects of abortion on women
  • Why being pro-life is actually a feminist position
  • The importance of keeping an open dialogue with those on the pro-choice side
  • What to do if a friend or family member is considering having an abortion
  • The one thing we must do to help the pro-life movement (hint: it's prayer!) 
  • How to speak to others about abortion
  • How to discern your vocation if you're struggling in that department

We mentioned: 

Find the Sisters of Life: 

Shopping Ethically and Embracing Fair Trade ft. Erin Mackey

Enter to win an ethical gift package!

Need a gift for your mom...or a little self-care for yourself? ;) Enter here to win a gift of ethically sourced goods from CRS, including chocolate, earrings, and shea butter!

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This week I’m speaking with Erin Mackey from Catholic Relief Services. I don't know about you, but I'm an ignorant shopper: I buy $4 t-shirts because their $4, and I don't stop to think about the conditions of the factory workers. I just don't! But I'm working to change that. Worker's rights are very important to the Catholic faith and, as Erin says, popes have been writing about the issue for years. It was great to speak with Erin and I hope her tips and tricks help you to shop smarter and more ethically. 

"I address a strong appeal that the dignity and safety of the worker always be protected." - Pope Francis

Topics discussed:

  • Why Erin got involved in ethical trade
  • What ethical trade is and why it's important for Catholics
  • The difference between fair trade and ethical trade 
  • Why we buy to fill holes instead of turning to Jesus 
  • The changes CRS went through when it came to ethical trade 
  • How fast fashion is hurting the environment
  • Why and how CRS vets shops for their ethical trade website
  • How to shop ethically on a budget

We mentioned: 

Find Catholic Relief Services: 


What Losing Everything I Own Taught Me About Jesus ft. Kallin Zehren

"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Jesus. 

When Kallin, a Tulane student, came home from dinner at her sorority house to find her home burning down, it was a radical moment in her life. Jesus didn't ask her to give Him her possessions--he straight up took 'em. Kallin and I have a conversation on what it was like to lose everything she owned, how the Lord used the tragedy to instill in her gratitude, and what the generosity of others taught her about God. 

I've known Kallin for four years and she's an inspiring, amazing young woman. I'm so happy to be able to share our chat with you today!

Topics discussed:

  • How Kallin helped the Tulane Catholic Center grow and flourish 
  • How to evangelize when the community isn't exactly ripe for evangelization
  • What happened when her home burned down 
  • How studying abroad in Thailand helped shape her view on possessions 
  • How humbling it is to go from being the "giver" to the "receiver" 
  • The true meaning of generosity 
  • The lessons God taught her through this experience

If you'd like to join Kallin's support team as a FOCUS missionary, please feel free to reach out to her!

Join the Contentment Challenge

Are you ready for 7 days of ZERO unplanned spending and some prayerful emails for accountability? Turn away from buying meaningless items and turn towards Jesus.

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Surviving Assault And Offering Radical Forgiveness ft. Rosario Rodriguez

Today on the podcast, I'm speaking with Rosario Rodriguez about how to forgive others when the worst has happened to us. Rosario is the survivor of two violent crimes, and her story of going from a suicidal depression to offering forgiveness to her attackers is simply beautiful. 

"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." That's all well and good when, you know, someone cuts me off on the highway. Or someone gossips about me a little. I self-righteously smile, pat myself on the back, and offer forgiveness as if it's the price I have to pay to get into Heaven. But what about bigger things? Family disagreements that have lasted years? True, hurtful incidents with friends? Being assaulted? Being shot

Rosario's insights on forgiveness are straight from the heart. She's had to forgive the most terrible crimes we can think of. It's a powerful testimony, and I'm honored to share it with you today! 

Topics discussed:

  • Rosario's assaults and how she believes the Virgin Mary may have intervened
  • How her first assault led her into a suicidal depression
  • How a priest helped her learn what true forgiveness is
  • When to know when you need to distance yourself from someone and if it's possible to still offer them forgiveness
  • What to do if you're struggling to forgive someone in your own life

We mentioned: 

Find Rosario: 


Eschewing Gender Stereotypes and Embracing Complementarianism ft. Shannon Ochoa

This week, I'm speaking with Shannon Ochoa, the mission leader of Brew City Catholic and the co-founder of the Eden Invitation. Shannon and I chat about Edith Stein, aka St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, and how her writings on gender influenced Shannon's outlook on womanhood. In a world where half the people tell you women belong in the kitchen and the other half tell you there are zero differences between men and women besides anatomy, Shannon provides a refreshing outlook on gender roles, a woman's "place", and what it means to be female. Enjoy! 

Topics discussed:

  • Why Shannon embarked on an adventure in campus ministry
  • Who Edith Stein was and what she believed
  • What complimentarianism is and how it challenges society's current outlook on gender
  • How to be a "woman" if you don't fit in the "meek and mild" category
  • Why gender stereotypes are stupid, outdated, and hurtful
  • How rape culture has affected our humanity as women
  • The unique differences between men and women

We mentioned: 

Find Shannon: 

Dating With Dignity In Our Modern Culture ft. Lisa Cotter

Today, I'm grilling speaker and writer Lisa Cotter on all things dating. We also talk about how Lisa met her husband, her ministry Made to Magnify, and her newest book, Dating Detox. 

Y'all, dating is a stressful thing for a Catholic feminist to talk about. On the one hand, vocation is extremely important. Our vocations help us get to Heaven and the relationship between you and your spouse is supposed to resemble that of Christ and His Church. But on the other hand, it can be really hard to hear that when you're trying to climb the corporate ladder, not waste your time with guys who think buying you a tequila shot is the most romantic thing they can do, and not live in the future when you could be embracing the now. It was so refreshing to speak with Lisa, an amazing Catholic feminist, on how important it is to prayerfully discern the relationships in your life. 

Topics discussed:

  • Lisa's ministry, Made to Magnify
  • If there's a "one" out there waiting for you
  • If evangedating is worth the risk (here's the blogpost she mentioned!)
  • If you'll just "know" when you meet the right guy
  • The importance of prayerful discernment 
  • What a dating detox is and how to pursue one 
  • Lisa's newest book
  • How Lent made an impact in Lisa's life this year

Find Lisa: 

Want a free copy of Dating Detox?

Enter to win a free copy of Dating Detox, the book Lisa recently wrote with her husband Kevin. Dating Detox is a perfect read for any single woman who's feeling plagued by the world's dating culture. Consider it a Whole 30 for your heart, y'all. We'll randomly select a winner in one week on 5/17!

I would never spam you--pinky promise.

Cultivating Catholic Community ft. Jenna Guizar


This week I’m speaking with Jenna Guizar, the founder of Blessed Is She. If you’re not familiar with BIS, it’s a ministry for Catholic women who are seeking support in their walk with the Lord. Their daily devotionals are sent to thousands of women every morning who are trying to squeeze in time for prayer in between pediatrician appointments and college exams, and they’ve been so vital to my own faith journey. 

Jenna and I talk all about carving out your own place in the Catholic world and forming your own community. It was an honor to speak with her and I hope you find our conversation fruitful! 

Topics discussed:

  • Why Jenna took the leap and decided to found Blessed Is She
  • How the BIS ministry got started 
  • Why BIS puts such an emphasis on daily scripture readings
  • Some tips for reading the Bible when you're feeling overwhelmed
  • The importance of female friendships in Jenna's life 
  • The impact essential oils have made for Jenna's family 

We mentioned: 

Find Jenna: 

Why Being Pro-Woman Means Being Pro-Life ft. Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson is a nationally-known pro-life speaker. After working as a manager at a Planned Parenthood affiliate in Texas, Abby's eyes were opened to the negative impacts abortion has on women and she left the life of an abortion worker. She now runs a ministry focused on freeing others from the abortion industry and helping women understand why being pro-life is being pro-woman. 

Topics discussed:

  • Rumors and rhetoric that Planned Parenthood uses to dominate the narrative
  • How to treat workers in the abortion industry
  • The most effective ways to fight the abortion industry 
  • How abortion harms women in both the short and long-term 
  • Mistakes Christians are currently making in the pro-life movement
  • The impact the Catholic Church has had on her life

We mentioned: 

Find Abby: 

Here's a FREE guide just for you.

Snag some pro-life answers to five popular pro-choice questions. Whether you're still wrestling with your own pro-choice beliefs or want to learn to communicate your pro-life beliefs better, I pray this guide helps you understand the importance of having a right to life.

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Healing From Disordered Eating By The Grace of God ft. Megan McDermott

Have you ever had a great day with friends, laughing and remembering and just being, and then you snap a photo? And then you get home, pull up your phone to post it to Instagram, and think...

I have way fatter arms than my friends and no Instagram filter can possibly fix 'em. DELETE. 

Or on a more serious note, have you ever found yourself stressing out at a restaurant over why they didn't put the calorie counts on the menus? Or wondering if you'll look super weird if you order your burger without a bun? Have you ever over-exercised because the one thing you felt like you could control was the number on the scale? Have you ever felt like maybe this obsession was becoming a little more serious than you'd previously thought? 

Today, I'm talking to my friend Megan about her history with eating disorders and how she sought healing after her experience with them. Whether you have a full-blown ED or you just wish you spent less time criticizing your body, Megan's vulnerable, beautiful story will inspire you to kick Satan in the butt and overcome any disordered eating habits that may be plaguing you. 

(If you're looking for Megan Gilbert from CRS's show notes, please click here.) 

Topics discussed:

  • How going from small-town girl to a Big 10 school affected Megan's view of herself
  • How the pressure to succeed and stand out can instead start to suffocate
  • How the sacraments can help heal us
  • Why Jesus sometimes delays healing instead of healing right away  
  • The importance of the Eucharist
  • What to do if you feel like you're a slave to bad food habits

We mentioned: 

Contact Megan: 


Eating Disorder Resources:

Join The Authentic Beauty Challenge

For 7 days, join your Catholic feminist sisters & cut the negative self-talk with prayer, accountability, and some emailed encouragement. End the week feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to dance in the light. You got this, friend.

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The Dignity of the Poor and Homeless ft. Yvonne Chamberlain

“There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house— for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.'"


That's usually my response to that story, followed by an impending sense of dread. Oh, crap. How often do I walk past panhandlers or the homeless in my own community and do a fat load of nothing? 

I'm so excited to be speaking with Yvonne Chamberlain today. Yvonne used to coordinate a homeless shelter in Columbia, MO, and we talk all about the correct way to treat the poor and homeless. We also talk about the idea that people "deserve" to be poor, the fear of giving panhandlers money when you don't know what they'll use it on, and judging those who've made choices that have left them homeless. It's truly an episode you don't want to miss. 

This episode does offer some concrete things you can do to reach out to the poor in your own community, but it won't solve every question on your heart. That's because sometimes we really won't know these answers until we get to Heaven. But what I hope this episode does is light a fire in you to keep learning, get outside your bubble, and think of the poor and homeless as beloved children of God. 

Topics discussed:

  • How Yvonne got started at Room at the Inn
  • Why it's so important for Catholics to go outside of their own cultural bubbles
  • Giving with our time, talent, AND treasure, not just mindlessly writing checks 
  • How to treat panhandlers and the homeless who beg for money 
  • The dignity of every human person 
  • Common "mistakes" made by Catholics when it comes to the poor 
  • How to help the poor and homeless in your own community 

We mentioned: 

Find Room at the Inn: 

Women's Healthcare and Natural Family Planning ft. Leah Jacobson

OK, honesty time: I had no idea what Natural Family Planning was until college. Even then, I thought it was just a way for super Jesus-y people to use birth control. But ever since I became familiar with the Creighton Model, I've felt SO empowered and educated. 

There's a narrative going around right now that women's healthcare = Planned Parenthood, abortion, and birth control. But that narrative hurts young girls, puts unrealistic expectations on their beauty, and stifles the very natural process of ovulation. If you're thinking "huh?", then this episode is perfect for you. We go deep into why Leah started Guiding Star Centers, which are non-profit health centers for women, and how Guiding Star is working to change the narrative around women's fertility and healthcare. 

This episode is NOT just for married couples. It's for any woman who wants to know a little more about her body. We're not handing you a pill that will free your face of acne and get rid of your cramps. What we're handing you is education--about what your body does, what God thinks about it, and how to live out His plan for your fertility in a natural, God-honoring way. 

Topics discussed:

  • Why Leah felt moved to launch Guiding Star
  • How hormonal birth control is used to put unrealistic beauty expectations on young girls
  • What Natural Family Planning is and how it differs from hormonal birth control 
  • How Guiding Star is working to change the narrative of women's healthcare
  • What to say to someone facing a crisis pregnancy
  • The value of spiritual direction

We mentioned: 

Find Guiding Star: 

Want a free guide to NFP?!

Interested in starting to track your fertility? This guide breaks down three of the most popular types of NFP charting, with pros and cons for each.

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How Creating Art Can Bring Us Closer to God ft. Audrey Assad

Audrey Assad is an award-winning Catholic singer/songwriter. Her latest album, Inheritance (Deluxe Edition), is a collection of classic hymns sung in a new-feeling way. She's also one of my all-time favorite artists; her song Good To Me was sung during my wedding and I play her newest album while I'm praying every morning. Getting to speak with her was an absolute honor, and I hope you enjoy our convo!

Topics discussed:

  • How a group of guys in a coffee shop helped Audrey become Catholic 
  • How she became one of the best-known Christian music artists 
  • Why she recently switched from songwriting to re-designing classic hymns for her latest album, Inheritance
  • Why her songs tend to be a bit darker and more emotional than what's typically heard on good ole KLOVE
  • How her specific temperament and attempts to "live small" are difficult with her on-the-road lifestyle
  • Why the plight of Syrian refugees is near-and-dear to her heart and why she thinks so many Christians reject their Arab histories

We mentioned: 

Find Audrey: 

Snag the mini episode!

In this mini episode, I talk with Audrey about perfectionism, taking chances, and overcoming intimidation.

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Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links and I received a copy of Inheritance for free. But if you don't think I'm actually an Audrey Assad fan, scroll back on my Facebook feed for 80 thousand posted songs or watch my wedding video. 

Valuing the Sacrament of Marriage in a Pinterest-Perfect Wedding ft. Jiza Zito

As a part-time wedding writer, I absolutely love weddings. But can a real feminist be into the pink, sparkly affairs? Can they stress out about things like doughnuts vs. cupcakes? Can they spend hours pouring over bridesmaids dresses?! 

Heck yes. 

Today I'm talking to Jiza Zito, the co-founder of Catholic wedding resource Spoken Bride. Whether you're single, engaged, or married, this conversation is a fun one. So pour a cup of coffee, pretend it's champagne, and have a listen!

Topics discussed:

  • How Jiza's work at Theology of the Body Institute taught her the importance of loving herself before entering into a marriage
  • How Spoken Bride came to be 
  • How to plan your wedding in a God-honoring way 
  • Tips for newly engaged women
  • Whether or not real feminists can love stereotypically "girly" things like weddings and party favors
  • Why millennials are choosing to get married later and later

We mentioned: 

Find Spoken Bride: 

How Women Can And Should Utilize Leadership Skills ft. Jane Voelker


You know that verse in Paul's letter to Timothy when he says women shouldn't have authority over a man? You kind of shudder, skip over it, and then think to yourself, Well, I mean, he could be wrong. He's not Jesus. But it always kind of sticks in your head and wigs you out. And then you hear that Eve was made to be the helper, and you start to really question whether or not women can be leaders. 

Do y'all want to hear the story of what happened when a man told me I needed to "read the bible" because I thought that women could lead men in a workplace setting? Then today's episode is for you. 

I'm speaking with Jane Voelker, a Director of Collegiate Outreach with FOCUS. Jane oversees over 20 people, loves reading management books, and is honestly an all-around #boss. We talk about all of these tricky topics and more. Women absolutely can be leaders, and it's even in line with the Bible. (So there, jerk.) (I'm over it.) (Kind of.) 

Topics discussed:

  • How Jane's idea of what a "leader" is has changed with experience
  • Why she decided to apply for a leadership role within her office
  • If Paul really does say that women shouldn't lead men 
  • Why Eve being created to be a "helpmate" or "servant" is actually totally awesome
  • How men and women's leadership styles can differ
  • Why women make great leaders
  • How you can hone in your leadership skills and snag that big promotion

We mentioned: 


PS: Do you want to know which business tools have helped me in my career? I whipped up a free guide just for you! 

Free Guide: Tools for Women in Business

I made a free guide just for you of the podcasts, books, and saints that helped me launch my career on a successful trajectory. Looking to level up, get a raise, or launch a business? Here are the things that helped me.

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How Catholics Should Respond to the Refugee Crisis ft. Megan Gilbert

Holy crap, y'all. This episode totally blew my mind. Megan is the communications coordinator for Catholic Relief Services, and we get into some real nitty gritty about refugees. It was an honor to speak with her. 

It was such a treat to have Tori on the show to talk missions! I've known Tori for a few years, and her adventures have taken her to places like India and Ecuador. Tori truly has a heart for the poor and is dedicated to helping college students serve others and meet Jesus in a unique way. 

Topics discussed:

  • How Megan went from TV journalist to working with refugees
  • Why the refugee crisis exists
  • Why an attempt to make our borders safer shouldn't negate the need of refugees
  • Whether refugees are a political issue or a spiritual one
  • What the refugee process is like
  • What the actual definitions are of "refugee" and "resettlement" 
  • How we as Catholics can assist refugees in their time of need

We mentioned: 

Find CRS: 

Serving On International Missions With A Humble Heart

It was such a treat to have Tori on the show to talk missions! I've known Tori for a few years, and her adventures have taken her to places like India and Ecuador. Tori truly has a heart for the poor and is dedicated to helping college students serve others and meet Jesus in a unique way. 

Topics discussed:

  • Why Tori has such a heart for international missions
  • What to do if you're interested in going on a mission trip but aren't sure how to get involved
  • The key to an effective mission trip ('s prayer.)
  • Avoiding voluntourism and using the poor

We mentioned: 

Find Tori: 

How To Talk About Politics On Social Media Without Losing Your Friends Or Your Soul

Jenny Uebbing joined us to talk about why she stopped having political arguments online. She writes on her blog: "I’ve been assiduously avoiding engaging in any overtly political discourse with strangers or friends via social media. It is not helpful. It does not bring me joy. It does not cultivate depth or growth between myself and those digital friends with whom I am in true relationship. I am watching the news with one eye, checking headlines every day or so, but not consuming piece after piece dictating to me what I should think about what is going on in the world and in our country right now." I absolutely love her blog so it was really exciting to get to chat with her and share a bit of her story.

Topics discussed:

  • Why Jenny decided to stop talking about politics online
  • Whether or not she thinks Catholics should engage in digital political discourse
  • Why she calls herself a "digital missionary"
  • The upside of social media
  • Tips for talking to your real neighbors about Jesus instead of only the ones on your e-block

We mentioned: 

  • This blogpost on being a dog mom

Find Jenny: