Pro-life Activism and Tragedy in Ireland ft. Kate Bryan


This spring, Ireland voted to appeal the 8th amendment that had been banning abortion. That means one of the last pro-life countries now embraces abortion and while that sounds tragic (it is), I’m so excited to be bringing you a conversation that might actually uplift your heart.

Kate Bryan is a communications strategist who was boots-on-the-ground in Ireland during the vote. You’ll be so empowered after hearing about the small and mighty team that worked tirelessly to try and keep abortion out of Ireland. When she talks about how they felt the morning after the vote, you’ll feel more encouraged than ever and hopefully be inspired to take on the pro-life cause in your own unique way.

Are we “losing” the pro-life/pro-choice battle? Eh. It can feel that way. But is it even a battle, or just a constant call to love our neighbor? Why are so many women drawn to abortion in the first place? Why is our culture failing them? These are the bigger questions that women like Kate are asking and it was an honor to have her on our show. We also chat about how her mom inspired her to be a feminist, why Catholics need to embrace their courageous side, and how structure is bringing her so much closer to God. Enjoy!

Today’s episode was brought to you by Rose Harrington. Check out to snag some of Katrina’s stunning botanical art!

Today’s episode was also brought to you by Pio Prints, religious greeting cards with a contemporary, modern feel. Head to and enter allsaints15 for 15% off your first order.

Topics discussed:

  • How Kate became a feminist

  • What recently happened in Ireland

  • How Ireland was able to keep abortion out of their country for so long

  • Different ways we can and should get involved in the pro-life movement

  • How to have hope in the face of despair

  • How structure is bringing Kate closer to God

We mentioned: 

Find Kate: 

Intersectional Feminism ft. Daniela Kopado

Being a woman is a particular experience. Being Mexican-American is a particular experience. But being a Mexican-American woman is its own unique experience. And that’s what our guest today is here to discuss!

Daniela Kopado is a medical student in Texas who’s bringing some wit + wisdom about intersectional feminism to the table. Intersectional feminism is understanding how different aspects of your life intersect to create unique traits and marginalization. Every single human being is made by God + designed by Him, and it’s important not to view people as a monolith. By embracing intersectional feminism, we start to see women as individuals who bring different experiences, strengths, and needs to the table.

We also chat about WHY diversity is so important, the beauty of her multiracial relationship and what she and her boyfriend have learned from each other, why we think priests NEED to be talking about racism from the pulpit, and how one diocese is rockin’ it with its vibrant, diverse community. (Hi Houston!)

PS: Today’s audio quality is not up to my usual standards due to some technical issues. They’ve been sorted out and next episode will be back to 100% normal, but I apologize if it’s a bit “blippy”!

Today’s episode is brought to you by the Light series by Jacqueline Brown. For a free copy of her first book in the series, head here. Who do you become when the world falls away? Make sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Today’s episode is also brought to you by Audible. Snag a FREE audio book—like The Light by Jacqueline Brown!—by heading to

Topics discussed:

  • What intersectional feminism is

  • Why white people hate the word “privilege”

  • The forms of privilege that are seen within the Church

  • What Daniela and her boyfriend have learned being in a multiracial relationship

  • How change has been bringing her closer to God lately

We mentioned: 

Find Daniela: 

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The Grace of Enough ft. Haley Stewart

When is enough…ENOUGH?

Enough money. Enough time. Enough accomplishments.

It isn’t always easy to know. Today’s guest is a fan favorite repeat: blogger, podcaster, and author Haley Stewart. Haley + I dive deeper into our previous discussion about throwaway culture in light of her new book, The Grace of Enough, and how to live more intentional lives with less. Not just less possessions, but less stress and time away from our families as well. We talk about aaaaaall kinds of things, including how to handle criticism from creative work, dealing with HG pregnancies, and why her podcast makes me want to read smarter books. (Can you hear Tess in the background yet again as her father tries to handle her crazy self? Aaaaaabsolutely. Now seeking a new TCF Podcast Team Member: baby wrangler. 🙄)

Interested in a free audio book? Head here to check out Audible, today’s episode sponsor.

Today’s episode is also brought to you by the Light series by Jacqueline Brown. If you’re looking for an intriguing, adventurous series that has the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval, look no further! Jacqueline is offering a FREE copy of the first book in her series—just head here to snag it!

Topics discussed:

  • How Haley’s pregnancy is going (she’s since had her baby…head to her Instagram to see some adorable pics!)

  • The struggles of HG pregnancies

  • Why she felt inspired to write her book, The Grace of Enough

  • How she thinks our generation needs to shift culturally

  • The balance between creating good work and accepting criticism for it

  • Good books to read for any season of life

We mentioned: 

Find Haley: 

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Enter to win a copy of The Grace of Enough!

Giveaway is open until 9/25/18.

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    Q & A ft. Claire Swinarski


    Surprise! I’m on the other side of the mic with a guest host this week. 🎙 It is a true joy to answer questions for you about things like discernment, soulmates, confirmation saints, and Hogwarts houses. If you’ve wondered what some of the hardest episodes for me to do are, what’s on my bookshelf lately, or what’s bringing ME closer to God, this is the perfect episode for you. I also share a little bit more of my story and how I went from cray-cray college freshman to campus missionary to podcaster. Enjoy!

    Today’s episode is brought to you by the Light series by Jacqueline Brown. If you’re looking for an intriguing, adventurous series that has the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval, look no further! Jacqueline is offering a FREE copy of the first book in her series—just head here to snag it! Make sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram as well. 

    Today’s episode is also brought to you by Audible. For a free audio book—like The Light by Jaqueline Brown—head to

    We mentioned: 

    Find The Catholic Feminist: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    Loss and the Power of the Rosary ft. Shannon Wendt


    Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt “rosary dread”—that feeling of “noooot again” that happens when someone pulls out their beads. 😂🤦🏿‍♀️ The truth is, I’ve felt that way more than a few times, and so has today’s podcast guest, Shannon Wendt. Shannon is the founder of Chews Life, a shop for rosaries and rosary bracelets. We chat all about how her multiple miscarriages shook her faith, how clinging to Mary gave her hope in dark times, and how she realized she needed to niche down in her business even though it made her nervous to focus on religious products. Shannon’s story is incredibly inspiring and it was an honor to chat with her!

    Today’s episode is brought to you by the Light series by Jacqueline Brown. If you’re looking for an intriguing, adventurous series that has the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval, look no further! Jacqueline is offering a FREE copy of the first book in her series—just head here to snag it!

    Today’s episode is also brought to you by Audible. For a free audio book—like The Light by Jaqueline Brown—head to

    Topics discussed:

    • How Shannon's miscarriage impacted her faith life
    • How she fits the Rosary into her crazy busy life 
    • The relationship between joy and suffering
    • How she overcame her "Rosary dread"
    • Her nerves about introducing more religious products into her shop

    We mentioned: 

    Find Chews Life: 

    Pornography as a Feminist Issue ft. Patty Breen

    Did you know that porn plays a role in at least HALF of divorces? Or that the average age people are first exposed to porn is 11?! Pornography is truly attempting to destroy families, culture, and healthy sexual behavior. That’s why the work of today’s guest, Patty Breen of Whispered in the Dark, is SO important. After realizing her husband had a sex and pornography addiction, their failed attempts at healing led Patty to pursue an annulment. Today on the show, she’s teaching us what we should know if we discover our significant other has a porn habit, what questions we NEED to be asking them, and what to do if you’re a woman who struggles with porn (which we both agree is never talked about). We also geek out over a shared love of Shauna Niequist. Enjoy!

    Today’s episode was brought to you in part by Audible. For a free audio book, like The Porn Myth by Matt Fradd, head to

    Topics discussed:

    • What an annulment is
    • How Patty knew the relationship had to end
    • What questions women need to be asking their partners
    • What to do if you're a woman who struggles with porn
    • Why porn is a feminist issue
    • What to do if you find out your significant other has a porn habit or addiction

    We mentioned: 

    Find Patty: 

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    Authentic, Wholehearted Evangelization ft. Sair Del Toro


    It can be hard to find God in the midst of hopelessness. We've all felt that way at one time or another--some of us in the past few weeks. Maybe some of us today. Today's podcast guest, Sair, works with women who are in devastatingly difficult situations. She walks us through how to share the faith in very dark situations, the importance of perseverance, and how the greatest gift we can give other women is a sense of who they truly are. 

    Sair Del Toro is the director of Endow's Spanish-language apostolate, Magnifica. In addition to talking about evangelization, she shares with us how Spanish-speaking Catholic women are being affected by the current political climate and what's been bringing her closer to God lately. Enjoy!

    Today's episode is brought to you by Tiny Saints. From adorable keychain charms to educational board books, Tiny Saints has you covered with some amazing goodies that will remind you of all the Catholic Feminist saints praying for you up in Heaven. Just head to and enter CF20 at checkout for 20% off your first order. Pretty much the coolest saint charms ever! 

    Today's episode is also brought to you by Date Night In. Bring a little life back into your vocation with curated, themed date boxes, or check out their Faith Night In boxes! They also have fun options for littles. Head to to check them out.

    Topics discussed:

    • What brought Sair to the US
    • What difficulties she thinks are facing women today
    • How to introduce someone to God when they're in impossible situations
    • Why it's so important to be yourself and know YOUR mission
    • The importance of living over talking
    • Mistakes we're making when it comes to evangelization
    • How Mexican American Catholics are feeling in today's political climate

    Find Endow: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.


    The Upside of Social Media ft. Emily Mentock


    I think we've all gone through seasons where we want to delete our social media accounts and go live in a hut. That's how I was feeling before this conversation with social media guru Emily Mentock, but after chatting with her, I suddenly saw quite a few bright sides to everyone's love-to-hate social media platforms. Emily met her husband on Tinder and was reintroduced to her faith through a Tweet, so believe me when I say she's the perfect person to chat about this with! Emily discusses how to stay positive on social media, how to know when a "digital detox" is necessary, and when you should (more like shouldn't, usually) jump into a Facebook fight. It was such a joy to chat with her and I hope our conversation resonates with you!

    Today's episode is brought to you by Tiny Saints. From adorable keychain charms to educational board books, Tiny Saints has you covered with some amazing goodies that will remind you of all the Catholic Feminist saints praying for you up in Heaven. Just head to and enter CF20 at checkout for 20% off your first order. Pretty much the coolest saint charms ever! 

    Today's episode is also brought to you by Date Night In. Bring a little life back into your vocation with curated, themed date boxes, or check out their Faith Night In boxes! They also have fun options for littles. Head to to check them out.

    Topics discussed:

    • How Twitter brought Emily closer to her faith
    • What the Grotto Network is
    • How to use social media as a faithful Catholic
    • How to handle negative people online
    • How spiritual reading is bringing Emily closer to God

    We mentioned: 

    Find Grotto Network: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    How to Live Liturgically ft. Lisa Kirk


    One of my favorite parts of being Catholic? The endless supply of feast days + holidays. Too bad I usually only realize it the day after it occurred! Today's podcast guest is a writer, wife, mama, and liturgical living lover. Lisa Kirk walks me through her four pillars of liturgical living, how she stays organized with feast days, and how a crazed Advent season gave her a passion for slowing down and embracing the Church calendar. I love Lisa's wisdom about the saints and you'll also find her story of leaving her "dream job" to pursue a more intentional work-at-home-mom career interesting. If you've ever wanted to live a more seasonally liturgical life, no matter your current vocation or life stage, this episode is perfect for you. 

    Today's episode was brought to you by Tiny Saints. Liturgical living just got a whole lot cuter--spread that happy kind of faith! For 20% off your first order, head to and enter CF20 at checkout. 

    Today's episode was also brought to you by Audible. For a free audio book, like Story of a Soul by St. Therese, go to

    Topics discussed:

    • How Lisa came back to the faith after living abroad
    • Why she left her "dream job" to open a business
    • How skipping Advent lead her to live more liturgically
    • Why the saints are such a great part of our faith
    • Ideas for celebrating the feast days of saints
    • Lisa's favorite saints
    • How the diary of St. Faustina has been bringing her closer to God

    We mentioned: 

    Find Lisa: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    Being a Young Catholic Professional ft. Jennifer Baugh

    Y'all, today's episode is one you won't want to miss! 

    You know what conversation I’m tired of? The are-Catholic-women-allowed-to-work-outside-the-home one. I explain why in today’s conversation with Jennifer Baugh, the founder of Young Catholic Professionals. Jennifer has amazing insight on being a working Catholic woman, how being a woman has helped her to flourish as a leader, and how to let a love of Christ permeate everything you do. We also chat about why we still need to have the above-mentioned conversation and talk about if it REALLY matters what some rando blogger thinks about your life choices (spoiler alert: nope! 😉) Her dedication to the Rosary inspires the heck out of me and I’m head over heels in love with her passion for the Catholic faith. Whether you work outside the home or your work is your kids/studies/convent, I hope you’ll enjoy my chat with Jennifer!

    Today's episode is brought to you by Tiny Saints. From adorable keychain charms to educational board books, Tiny Saints has you covered with some amazing goodies that will remind you of all the Catholic Feminist saints praying for you up in Heaven. Just head to and enter CF20 at checkout for 20% off your first order. Spread the happy kind of faith!

    Today's episode is also brought to you by Audible. For a 30-day trial and free audio book (I recommend One Beautiful Dream by Jen Fulwiler, which we discuss in the episode!) head to

    Topics discussed:

    • Why Jennifer decided to pursue an MBA
    • How she founded Young Catholic Professionals
    • The purpose of YCP
    • Why we're over talking about "women in the workplace"
    • How to evangelize in a secular workplace
    • How the Rosary is bringing her closer to God

    We mentioned: 

    Find YCP: 

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    Managing Your Fertility ft. Bridget Busacker


    How well do you feel like you understand your fertility? 🧠👀💪🏼 Today’s podcast guest, Bridget Busacker, is the founder of, a one-stop shop for learning more about your body, your fertility, and Natural Family Planning. This week is NFP Awareness Week, so it seemed like the perfect time to chat with Bridget about why she decided to launch this online resource and why she’s so passionate about the reproductive system. Bridget breaks down her own NFP journey, the difference between Fertility Awareness Methods and Fertility Awareness BASED Methods, and why she feels evidence-based science is so important to incorporate into our faith. If you’ve ever wondered if NFP is legitimate science or which method might be best for you, Managing Your Fertility will answer most (if not all) of your questions. I loved chatting with Bridget about this project + I know you will too!

    This episode is brought to you by Audible. For a 30-day trial and a free audio book, like Woman Code by Alissa Vitti, head to

    Topics discussed:

    • Why Bridget is so passionate about healthcare
    • Her own NFP journey
    • What the hardest part of creating the website was
    • Why it's hard to decipher "real" science vs. "woo-woo" science

    We mentioned: 

    Find Managing Your Fertility: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    Serving the Poor and Consecrated Single Life ft. Sam Vosters


    In my old neighborhood, there was a big fancy house with lion statutes. And man, I judged those lion statues. Who needs lion statues? I would think as we drove by. That person—that’s the person with Too Much. Never mind the fact that my family is in the top 1% of wealth owners worldwide (so are you, by the way, if your family makes over $33,000/year. Surprise.)

    We aren’t rich…but we have iPhones. And our kids take swimming lessons. And I’ve never had to worry about having food for dinner. So, ARE we rich? What IS rich? Is rich bad? Cue the panic attack.

    Today’s guest is Sam Vosters from the Riverwest Food Pantry. We talk about our mutual love for Dorothy Day, her vocation as a consecrated single person, and what she wishes more people knew about the poor. We also dive into the topic of how much is “too much”, whether it’s what you make or what you give. Living in that tension is super uncomfortable but riffing on it with Sam gave me such peace. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I enjoyed having it! 

    Today’s episode is brought to you by…the Catholic Feminist Shop! That’s right, I’M supporting today’s episode. The Catholic Feminist Shop has just launched, which means you can snag feminist Bible studies or our signature program, 40 Days to a Feminist Faith, while supporting local Milwaukee organizations like the Riverwest Food Pantry. This week only, we have a celebration sale—make sure to check it out! 

    Topics discussed:

    • How Sam wound up at the Riverwest Food Pantry
    • Where she got her heart for the poor
    • What she wishes more people understood about the poor
    • How to know if you're giving "enough"
    • Her vocation as a consecrated single person

    We mentioned: 

    Find Riverwest Food Pantry: 

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    MINISODE: The Crisis on the Border ft. Mitzi Hellmer

    There's a ton of news floating around about the crisis at the border, and it isn't always easy to decipher what's really going on. That's why I wanted to have a quick chat with Mitzi Hellmer, a Catholic immigration lawyer. Mitzi breaks down what's going on at the US/Mexico border and helps us understand terms like asylum vs. migrant, why people are coming to the US at rapid rates, and what we should do about it as Catholics. Don't forget to head here and tune into our full-length episode with USCCB Policy Director for Migration Services Ashley Feasley as well.

    Topics discussed:

    • Why Mitzi is so passionate about immigration
    • The new policy vs. the old policy
    • The difference between asylum-seekers and immigrants
    • Why so many immigrants are attempting to cross the border
    • What we can do to help have an effect on how immigration policies are enforced


    Immigration and Welcoming the Stranger ft. Ashley Feasley

    Did you know that the Catholic Church is the number one resettler of refugees worldwide?! I sure didn't. But honestly, there's a LOT I don't know about immigration, refugee services, and asylum-seeking. That's why I'm so thankful for today's guest, Ashley Feasley. Ashley is the Policy Director of Migration Services for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and she broke down what's going on at the border in an easy-to-understand way. We also chatted about why immigration is a Catholic issue, whether or not sex trafficking at the border is currently a big problem, and how to keep our Catholic perspective when everyone's trying to shove each other into a "Republican" or "Democrat" box. It was truly a joy to learn from Ashley and I hope you enjoy our conversation. Don't forget to head here and tune into our minisode with immigration lawyer Mitzi Hellmer as well. 

    Today’s episode was brought to you by Date Night In, a subscription service that allows you to bring a little life to your vocation without leaving the comfort of your home. With faith-based options for kids and adults alike, there's an option for everyone. Head here to get started. 

    Topics discussed:

    • How Ashley wound up at the USCCB
    • Why she thinks immigration is a Catholic issue, not a partisan one
    • Her take on what's happening at the border
    • What the average Catholic woman can do to help
    • How she keeps her perspective in our politicized world

    We mentioned: 

    Find the USCCB:

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links. 

    Advocating for Victims of Domestic Violence ft. Jessica Woolbright


    Imagine that your spouse didn't allow you to have a job. Or allowed to have three...but not have any say in how money is spent. Or took your cell phone away. Or discouraged you from seeing friends. Or punched you in the face. Or threatened to take your kids away from you. 

    Imagine not knowing what your kids were going to eat the next day. 

    This is sadly the reality for many, many women in America. That's why I'm so grateful that places like St. Martha's hall exist. Today's guest, Jessica Woolbright from St. Martha's, walks us through what domestic violence is and how we can advocate for victims. I also love her insight on being a Catholic feminist, the impact Mary has had on her life, and her down-to-earth answer about why women "don't just leave". This was such a powerful conversation and I think it's the perfect fit for a day that Americans are celebrating freedom from oppressors. 

    Today's episode is brought to you by Audible. For a free trial and a free audio book, head to

    Topics discussed:

    • How Jessica got involved with Saint Martha's
    • Different types of domestic violence
    • Why the shelter is named for Saint Martha
    • Some common misconceptions about domestic violence
    • Why women "don't just leave"
    • What you can do to help women in need

    Find St. Martha's Hall:

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    Trusting God's Path and Living the Faith as a Medical Student ft. Asia


    Being a Catholic in medical school is weird. Whether it’s being told that having a family is incompatible with the life of a doctor or reading that the rhythm method and the Creighton model are basically samesies, it’s hard to live out an authentic Christian truth while still grinding away trying to snag that MD. Today’s podcast guest, my very own sister-in-law Asia, is on the show to talk about being a Catholic medical student. But we also deep-dive into the process of getting accepted to med school, which was anything but smooth, and trusting in God’s path when you aren’t sure where it’s leading. We also chat about fitting prayer into a busy schedule and the sexism of the modern medical industry. It was such a treat to interview my son’s godmother and hear more about a journey I was able to witness! Enjoy. 

    Today's episode was brought to you by Boba, my favorite baby wrap. Head here to check out some of their comfy, cozy carriers. 

    Topics discussed:

    • When Asia realized she wanted to be a doctor

    • Why she took a gap year

    • How she finds time for prayer with her ridiculously busy schedule

    • The importance of finding your identity outside of your job

    • What it was like to feel like God was saying "no" to her dreams

    • Frustrations with secular medical school and living in the tension

    • How being a doctor can be a form of evangelization

    We mentioned: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    Dealing with Haters, Criticism, and Trolls ft. Ana Glaze



    Whether you have a vibrant online ministry or you’re just livin’ normal life, every single one of us has encountered criticism. But what’s the difference between helpful, constructive criticism…and troll culture? 

    Today’s podcast guest, Ana Glaze of That Catholic Couple, breaks down what she views as the difference and how she responds to each. Let’s face it: nobody LOVE getting criticized. But when should you try to evangelize and when should you step away? When should you loudly defend the faith and when should you let people draw their own conclusions? Ana and I talked about the real life and online hate we’ve both faced, how we handle it (hint: it’s different!) and how to find the courage to keep creating when you’re constantly facing both helpful criticism and totally unhelpful haters. I hope you enjoy our chat! 

    Today's episode is brought to you by Boba, my favorite baby wrap. To grab one of these cozy, cute baby carriers, click here

    Topics discussed:

    • How Ana deals with haters
    • The difference between constructive criticism and trolls
    • What kind of criticism is the most hurtful
    • Where most of That Catholic Couple's hate comes from
    • How to respond to haters like Christ did

    We mentioned: 

    Find That Catholic Couple: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    FREE guide: Five Feminist Popes

    What did five famous Popes have to say about women? From Benedict to Francis to Pius, our Church fathers have been pro-woman for longer than you'd think! Check out this free guide to Five Feminist Popes to learn more.

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    Artists as Apostles of Beauty ft. Fabiola Garza


    Maybe you have a semi-crazy dream, like being on Oprah, writing a book, or starting a non-profit that changes the world. But it can seem pretty impossible. I hope this episode gives you the confidence of our guest when she wrote in her childhood journal that she wanted to work at Disney. 

    Today's podcast guest, Fabiola Garza, is an artist with Disney Creative Group. It was such a joy to chat with her about having big dreams, a creative career, and how her art has made her more contemplative and brought her closer to God. I particularly love her insight on what it's like to be a female artist in an industry that's often dominated by men. Pope Francis has said that artists are the apostles of beauty, and Fabiola demonstrates that sentiment perfectly. I hope you enjoy our chat!

    Today’s episode was brought to you by Audible. For a free audio book and a free 3-day trial, head here

    Today's episode was also brought to you by Boba, my favorite baby wrap. Head here to check out some of their comfy, cozy carriers. 

    Topics discussed:

    • How Fabiola went from RISD to Florida
    • Why she always wanted to work for Disney
    • How Fabiola lives out her faith in the secular art world
    • The constant conversation artists have with God
    • Why she decided to write a children's book and how she got it published
    • How she views being an artist as feminist
    • What she wishes people knew about artists
    • How her local parish is bringing her closer to God

    We mentioned: 

    Find Fabiola:

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links. 

    Women and the Priesthood ft. Emily Archer

    So...WHY can't women be priests?

    After abortion, this is probably the largest reason secular feminists don't think Catholic feminists are in the "club". We claim membership to an institution with a male-only leadership model. But...does that mean we can't be feminists? Why CAN'T women be priests? Is these a fruitful conversation? Is the reason women can't be priests because we wouldn't be "good" at it? Can you be in a Church where you struggle with some of the teachings? We talk about all this and more on the podcast today with Emily Archer, a blogger from FemCatholic. Emily talks about why she's always struggled with this Church teaching, what she's learned when doing research for the blog, and how she remains in a Church that talks a tough talk. This episode was particularly important to me as this is a topic I get asked about a lot, and I don't always know how to answer. I hope you enjoy our conversation and that you feel seen, known, and understood. 

    Today's episode is brought to you by Audible. For a free audio book and a 30-day free trial, head to

    Topics discussed:

    • Why Emily decided to go to grad school for speech pathology
    • How she got involved with FemCatholic
    • Why Emily started diving into the topic of women and the priesthood
    • The importance of asking difficult questions
    • The arguments against women priests that drive us nuts 
    • Which reasonings and arguments actually make sense to us
    • How to stay in a Church you struggle with at times
    • Why we ultimately agree with the Church

    We mentioned: 

    Find Emily: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

    Finding Catholic Community and Thriving as a Military Wife ft. Suzanna Hinzman

    Can you imagine living on the other side of the world from your family and customs? Or not even being able to talk to your husband on your wedding anniversary? Similar to last week's guest, Suzanna Hinzman is currently living abroad--but not as a missionary. She moved to Europe from Texas due to her spouse's military career. It was so fascinating to chat with Suzanna about what it was like to uproot her entire life, move across the world, and attempt to cultivate a Catholic community. I also loved her insight on sacrificing for your husband and how to maintain a feminist mindset while navigating what it means to live so sacrificially. She had such a unique input and it was a joy to chat with her. I hope you enjoy our chat!

    Today’s episode was brought to you by Audible. For a free audio book, head on over to

    Topics discussed:

    • How she wound up in Germany from Texas
    • What it's like to live on the opposite side of the world from her family 
    • How living abroad has brought her closer to God
    • What it's like to cultivate a Catholic community within the military community 
    • The hardest and most rewarding parts of being a military spouse

    We mentioned: 

    This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.