Dealing with Haters, Criticism, and Trolls ft. Ana Glaze



Whether you have a vibrant online ministry or you’re just livin’ normal life, every single one of us has encountered criticism. But what’s the difference between helpful, constructive criticism…and troll culture? 

Today’s podcast guest, Ana Glaze of That Catholic Couple, breaks down what she views as the difference and how she responds to each. Let’s face it: nobody LOVE getting criticized. But when should you try to evangelize and when should you step away? When should you loudly defend the faith and when should you let people draw their own conclusions? Ana and I talked about the real life and online hate we’ve both faced, how we handle it (hint: it’s different!) and how to find the courage to keep creating when you’re constantly facing both helpful criticism and totally unhelpful haters. I hope you enjoy our chat! 

Today's episode is brought to you by Boba, my favorite baby wrap. To grab one of these cozy, cute baby carriers, click here

Topics discussed:

  • How Ana deals with haters
  • The difference between constructive criticism and trolls
  • What kind of criticism is the most hurtful
  • Where most of That Catholic Couple's hate comes from
  • How to respond to haters like Christ did

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